Attend Monthly Meetings

CMDA meets monthly on Zoom. 

To receive updates and meeting announcements, subscribe to our e-mail list 

Click Here to view Recordings of Monthly Meetings.
  • 8 Aug 2021 8:58 PM | Sing Palat (Administrator)

    CMDA Agenda (with slides)

    Click here for Meeting Recording

    Tuesday, Aug 3, 2021, 12 - 1 pm

  • 23 Jul 2021 12:06 PM | Sing Palat (Administrator)

    B.1.617.2 in Colorado for CMDA 2021-07-06 (3).pdf / Wound Care Don't Forget Dietician Pidek.pdf / Wound Modular Comparison.pdf / Nutrition Therapeutic Properties Dietary Sources.pdf

    Virtual Meeting Agenda - Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 12 - 1 pm

    1. Enhanced Infection Prevention in Residential Care Facilities for SARS-CoV2 Virus Delta Variant
      • CDPHE, COVID-19 Medical Guidance Unit, Diane Tapay, MD, Brynn MPH, CIC
    2. Updates
      • CHCA: Jenny Albertson, NHA
      • CDPHE, Health Facilities Division: Chad Fear
    3. Nutrition Management and Wound Healing
      • Adriann Pidek, MPH RDN
    4. CMDA Annual Financial Report
      • Travis Neill, PA-C

  • 1 Jun 2021 5:40 PM | Sing Palat (Administrator)

    CMDA June 1 2021.pptx / POLST is more than a Code status order JAMDA 2021.pdf / PHO 20-20.7thAmended.53121.pdf / RCF Comprehensive Mitigation Guidance-1.docx / phocheatsheet (1).pdf

    Meeting recording: CMDA recordings playlist


    1. CDPHE Updates: Jo Tansey
    2. CHCA Updates: Thank you to Erin Thomas, outgoing Director of Quality and Regulatory Affairs, for her dedication and expertise
    3. Colorado MOST use in long-term care: Hillary Lum, MD, PhD
    4. CMDA Board Elections:  Leslie Eber MD, CMD.  Votes will be collected anonymously by Survey Monkey starting Tues, Jun 1 during the CMDA meeting. Candidates:
      • President: Sing Palat, MD CMD
      • Vice-President: Allison Villegas, PA-C
      • Treasurer: Travis Neill, PA-C
      • Education Coordinator: Galin Hartsuiker, PA-C
      • Community Liaison: Chris Horton, MD CMD
    5. Annual Conference recordings from April 23, 2021 are still available for claiming CME credits at the CMDA website through July 31:  Sing Palat MD CMD

  • 6 Apr 2021 5:58 PM | Sing Palat (Administrator)

    April 6, 2021 CMDA Virtual Meeting Agenda

    Noon – 1:00 PM


    1. Updates: CHCA, Erin Thomas and CDPHE, Jo Tansey

    2. No Matter How Popular Antibiotics Get They Will Never Go Viral  - Travis Neill PA-C

    3. Pearls from the AMDA Conference: How to improve daily practice in PALTC - Dr. Sing Palat and Dr. Leslie Eber  

    4. The CMDA/CHCA Annual Conference on April 23, 2021: It is Virtual and there is Still Time to Register - Allison Villegas PA-C

    Register at CMDA.US 

         5. Brown University Research Opportunity below       

    Remember: AMDA Podcasts are available for free at


    COVID-19 GUIDANCE From CDPHE: Residential Care Facility (RCF) Comprehensive Mitigation Guidance Document 3/22/21

    RCF Comprehensive Mitigation Guidance.docx


    PHO 20-20.SixthAmended.32221.pdf

    CMDA Annual conference registration information

    CMDA Attendee registration.pdf

    CMDA conference Vendor information

    Annual Conference Vendor information

    Flier from CDPHE for familiies wanting to visit their loved one in a nursing home

    RCF Flyer.pdf

  • 2 Mar 2021 6:00 PM | Sing Palat (Administrator)

    March 2, 2021 Virtual Meeting Agenda

    Noon – 1:00 PM


    1. Updates: CHCA, Erin Thomas and CDPHE, Jo Tansey
    2. Public Policy Update: Tackling COVID19 in PALTC and Other Policy in New Administration - Alex Bardakh MPP
    3. Update on COVID 19 Vaccine distribution in PALTC in Colorado after the federal program has been completed - Dr. Renee Marquardt
    4. The AMDA Annual Conference: It is Virtual and there is Still Time: March 11-14

                 Register using this link:

          5. The CMDA Annual conference: April 23, 2021: It is also virtual and registration        is Open! Dr. Sing Palat and Dr. Leslie Eber

    Remember: AMDA Podcasts are available for free at


    AMDA Interim Recommendations for Communal Activities and Visitation in PostAcute and Long-Term Care Facilities

    Interim Guidance for Communal Activities and Visitation 25FEB2021 - FINAL.pdf

    CMDA Annual conference registration information

    CMDA Attendee registration.pdf

    CMDA conference Vendor information

    Annual Conference Vendor information.pdf

    FDA updated guidance for the Pfizer COVID 19 vaccine storage

    Information from Jennifer Stevens-Lapsley about a therapy program that can truly benefit our patients. 

    The University of Colorado is examining the benefits of high-intensity strengthening for older adults followJennifer Stevens-Lapsleying a hospital or SNF stay in the home health setting. We are looking for clinicians and facilities to help with referring patients to the study.

    Patients benefit from receiving 13 visits of home health PT (at no cost), enhanced clinical oversight, and financial compensation.

    Our preliminary work resulted in a 6 fold reduction in rehospitalizations largely attributed to a 3 fold improvement in physical function.

    Compensation will be available to clinicians for successful referrals.

    Please contact Danielle Derlein ( or Jennifer Stevens-Lapsley ( or call 303-724-9590 if you would be willing to help us optimize care for your patients.

    HH Outreach Packet 092419.pdf

    JAMA article: First-Dose COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage Among Skilled Nursing Facility Residents and Staff

    jama_gharpure_2021_COVID 19 Vaccine Data PALTC(2).pdf

    JAMA article: SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines, published 2/26/21

    jama_creech_COVID 19 vaccine 2.26.21.pdf

    Questions: Leslie Eber (720) 490-5079

    Best Regards,

    Leslie Eber, MD, CMD
    CMDA President

  • 2 Feb 2021 1:23 PM | Sing Palat (Administrator)


    1. Updates: CHCA, Erin Thomas and CDPHE, Jo Tansey

    2. AMDA’s updated Choosing Wisely, The top pearls for practice in PA/LTC: 1-15 - Allison Villegas PA-C

    3. Outreach and Implementation of Novel Monoclonal Antibodies for COVID-19: Opportunity with University of Colorado - Dr. Matt Wynia 

    4. CMDA Bylaws update- Dr. Sing Palat

    5. The CMDA Annual conference April 23, 2021: We will go virtual! - Dr. Leslie Eber and Dr. Sing Palat

    Remember: AMDA Podcasts are available for free at


    Opportunity to join a new AHRQ ECHO National Nursing Home COVID-19 Action Network cohort (16-week ECHO series): Monday 12-1:30 PM, to register use  this link:

    JAMA COVID 19 Variant update JAMA COVID 19 Variants.pdf

    CDPHE HAN: Quarantine Recommendations after COVID-19 Vaccination 

    01272021 HAN Advisory - Correction_.pdf

    Understanding SARS-CoV-2 Genetic Variants JAMA podcast

    ECHO COVID-19 Vaccine in Post-acute and Long-term Care: Answers to Your Questions Webinar (One-hour webinar) Monday, February 1 12:00 - 1:00 PM MT, Register using the link below:

    JAMA:  Risk Factors Associated With All-Cause 30-Day Mortality in Nursing Home Residents With COVID-19

    JAMAinternal medicine risk factors for COVID 19 mortality in nursing homes.pdf

    Telligen: COVID-19 in LTC Office Hours with Dr. Renee Marquardt: Vaccinations are Underway - What Next? February 11, 2021 Time: 1-2pm, register with link below:

     University of Colorado Department of Medicine: Implications of Genetic Variants of SARS-CoV-2: The Worrying Prospect of a New Pandemic Phase, presentation by Eric Poeschla, MD, Tim Gill professor of medicine, head of the Division of Infectious Diseases. The link is below.

    AMDA Choosing Wisely

    AMDA 15 Choosing Wisely.pdf

    CMDA updated Bylaws, will vote on the updated version next month

    updated CMDA Bylaws amendments 9.3.20.docx

  • 5 Jan 2021 12:25 PM | Sing Palat (Administrator)

    Meeting recording:


    1. Updates: Erin Thomas and Jo Tansey
    2. COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics in PA/LTC - Update and Pearls for a successful clinic -Dr. Sing Palat and Dr. Leslie Eber
    3. Monoclonal Antibody treatment in PA/LTC: Utilization of the SPEED program - Dr. Eric France, Chief Medical Officer of CDPHE
    4. The CMDA Annual conference 2021: We will go virtual on April 23, 2021

    AMDA Choosing Wisely

    AMD 15 Choosing Wisely.pdf

    Colorado HAN: COVID-19 UPDATE - Variant Detected in Colorado | December 30, 2020

    12302020 HAN Update - COVID19 Varian.pdf

    CMDA updated Bylaws, will vote on the updated version next month

    updated CMDA Bylaws amendments 9.3.20.docx

    Caring for the ages article: Leadership, Advocacy, and Communication in Crisis: COVID-19 and Beyond

    Leadership, Advocacy, and Communication in Crisis- Caring for the ages.pdf


    CDHPE Website and guidance for Monoclonal antibody treatment for COVID 19

  • 2 Dec 2020 1:40 PM | Sing Palat (Administrator)

    Meeting recording:

    CMDA December 1, 2020 Virtual Meeting Agenda

    Noon – 1:00 PM

    COVID 19 vaccine hesitancy version 6 (1).pptx  /  Telehealth CMDA 12_2020.pptx

      1. Updates: Erin Thomas and Jo Tansey

      2. Telehealth Tips for Long Term Care Teams - Dr. Cari Levy 

      3. Vaccine Hesitancy and Education- Dr. Leslie Eber

      4. The CMDA Annual conference 2021: We will go virtual, April 23, 2021

    Colorado COVID 19 vaccine phased distribution approach is below

    Colorado Vaccine phases.png

    The COVID 19 Vaccine distribution for Long Term Care staff in Colorado can be received via 3 Options:

    1. Staff, including providers and medical directors can get vaccinated as part of the 1A phase at specific locations around the state (more details to follow)

    2. Staff can get vaccinated at a facility that has chosen to become a COVID vaccine provider. Facilities can still enroll to be a provider if they can meet the requirements for storage, handling and reporting and must complete the application by 11/30/20. 

    Requirements are here:

    Information to enroll as a COVID 19 vaccine provider is here:

    3. Staff can be vaccinated later in the 1C phase with the residents at the facility (via CVS/Walgreens or their own pharmacy, which ever the facility has chosen)

    IT is STRONGLY suggested that all staff and medial providers get their COVID 19 Vaccine as part of 1A so they are protected as Soon As Possible. 

    Remember: AMDA Podcasts are available for free at

    Attachments; Zoom recording of Dr. Lea Watson’s telligen presentation on COVID Fatigue (A must view)

    CDC guidance on Testing and Management Considerations for Nursing Home Residents with Acute Respiratory Illness Symptoms when SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza Viruses are Co-circulating,

    JAMA Answering Key Questions About COVID-19 Vaccines

    JAMA Vaccine education.pdf

    JAMA COVID 19 and mRNA Vaccines

    JAMA mRNA vaccines.pdf


    amended public health order 11.20.20.pdf

    CDHPE guidance on visitation 11/19/20

    Mandatory Visitation Requirements for Residential Care Facilities (1).docx

    CDPHE updated Preparation and rapid response checklist for residential care facilities 11/12/20

    COVID-19 LTCF Checklist_CDPHE_111220 .pdf

  • 11 Nov 2020 3:42 PM | Sing Palat (Administrator)

    one little pathogen.pptx


       1. Updates: Ann Kokish and Jo Tansey

       2. Honoring the incredible work of Ann Kokish upon her retirement

       3. “1 little, 2 little, 3 little pathogens: how to differentiate COVID, FLU, RSV” - Dr. Clay Watson

       4. Flu update 2020 - Dr. Greg Gahm

  • 9 Oct 2020 7:32 AM | Sing Palat (Administrator)
    Zoom meeting recording


    1. Updates: Ann Kokish and Jo Tansey
    2. Covid and the State of Long Term Care:  Doug Farmer President & CEO, Colorado Health Care Association
    3. Dementia Partnership tools for Staff support and selfcare - Dr. Leslie Eber
    4. Flu update 2020 - Dr. Greg Gahm

About joining live meetings with Zoom 

The CMDA Meeting ID is 499 330 634.

To join by video:

    • Click or copy this URL to your browser: 
    • First time users will be prompted to download the free app to PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android.  
To join by audio:
    • iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +14086380968,499330634# or +16465588656,499330634#
    • Or telephone - Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or+1 646 558 8656 (US  Toll).    Meeting ID: 499 330 634

Presentation agenda and handouts are available at Meeting Archives or through email.  All meetings are recorded and available upon request.  Engagement with questions and comments during meetings is encouraged.   At other times, keeping audio and phones muted  will reduce background noise for the audience.  

Further instructions on joining Zoom meetings are available through Zoom support

CMDA The Colorado Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine (formerly the Colorado Medical Directors Association) is organized to provide support and education for medical directors, providers, nursing home administrators and directors of nursing concerning the provision of post-acute, long-term care medicine.

We are a State Chapter of AMDA The Society of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care PALTC.

CMDA.US © 1992-2024 CMDA

CMDA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

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